Selected Lectures of the Course “Take care of children”, 2nd Edition, Virtual Edition; Cagliari (Italy); October 31st, 2020


Course “Take care of children”, 2nd Edition
Virtual Edition
Cagliari (Italy)
October 31, 2020

How to Cite

Various Authors, .-.-.-. (2020). Selected Lectures of the Course “Take care of children”, 2nd Edition, Virtual Edition; Cagliari (Italy); October 31st, 2020. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM), 9(2), e090244.


Selected Lectures of the Course “Take care of children”, 2nd Edition • Virtual Edition • PRENDERSI CURA DEI BAMBINI CON LA FITOTERAPIA E GLI INTEGRATORI ALIMENTARI • ISTRUZIONE PER L’USO, OPPORTUNITÀ E LIMITICagliari (Italy) • October 31st, 2020


LECT 1 • Food supplements in pediatric daily clinical practice [Gli integratori alimentari nella pratica clinica quotidiana in età pediatrica] • D. Careddu (Novara, Italy)

LECT 2 • Dangerous relationship between junk food, microbiota and neuro­development [Relazioni pericolose tra junk food, microbiota e neurosviluppo] • E. Lombardi Mistura (Bergamo, Italy)

LECT 3 • How to read the label of a botanical food supplement [Come leggere l’etichetta di un integratore alimentare] • M. Biagi (Siena, Italy)

LECT 4 • Plants extracts active on the immune system from immune modulation to allergies [Piante ed estratti vegetali attivi sul sistema immunitario dall’immuno­modulazione alle allergie] • O. Al Jamal (Cagliari, Italy)

LECT 5 • Probiotics: an update [Novità in tema di probiotici] • S.A. Nervi (Milan, Italy)

LECT 6 • Children and teenager’s stress: adaptogens rule [Gli adattogeni e lo stress psicofisico dal bambino all’adolescente] • G. Trapani (Sanremo, Italy)