Spontaneous depressed skull fracture in a neonate


depressed skull fracture
ping pong skull fracture
skull fracture elevation

How to Cite

Calheiros-Trigo, F., Machado, M. J., Almeida, R., Silva, N., & Pereira, A. (2020). Spontaneous depressed skull fracture in a neonate. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM), 9(2), e090216. https://doi.org/10.7363/090216


The most common cause of neonatal skull fracture is trauma from instruments used during an assisted birth. In the literature, there are limited reports of neonatal depressed skull fractures (DSF) in the absence of birth trauma. The diagnosis is based on clinical and radiological findings. We present the case of a female neonate, born full-term after a eutocic delivery. The pregnancy was unremarkable. There was no history of trauma during pregnancy or delivery. At birth, a congenital depression in the right parietal region was noted. Head computed tomography revealed a right parietal depressed fracture, without underlying brain lesion. Surgical elevation was performed with favourable outcome. There were no complications. The patient is currently 9 months old and has a normal neurodevelopment.
